In most cases epilepsy should not affect employment prospects. However, the impact of epilepsy on people's lives varies a great deal and decisions on employment should be based on each individual's circumstances.
Most people with epilepsy are perfectly able to work at whatever they choose to do. Others do not have any particular difficulties when placed in the right job, but each person's difficulties and limitations are individual.
Understanding of the condition from employers can prove vital which is why we regularly provide epilepsy awareness talks in workplaces across Ireland. Alongside the information contained within this entire section of our website, we also have a comprehensive booklet available entitled 'Epilepsy in the Workplace - an Employers Information Resource'. This resource is available to read and download on our website.
This section of our website also contains advice for people with epilepsy in disclosing their condition with employers.
If you need further information or support after reading this section of our website, please do not hesitate to contact your local Community Resource Officer. You can find their details by visiting the 'Our Local Service' section of our website.