Epilepsy Ireland has been awarded 'Triple Lock’ status by the Charities Institute Ireland (CII).
Triple Lock status is awarded to charities that uphold the highest standards in transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and strong governance structures. This recognition is the gold standard for Irish charities to offer assurances to donors, members and the general public.
To achieve the Triple Lock, we:
- Adopted and maintain compliance with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public.
- Prepare our annual financial statements in compliance with the Charity SORP (Statement of Recommended Practice under FRS102) accounting standard.
- Completed the full implementation of the Charities Regulator Charities Governance Code
We are committed to keeping our compliance with the above standards under ongoing review.
Further Information
- You can learn more about CII by visiting the Charities Institute Ireland website.
- You can learn more about the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on fundraising from the public by visiting the Charity Regulators website.
- Our Annual financial statements can be found by visiting the 'Publications' section of our website.
- You can learn more about Charity SORP by visiting the 'Charity SORP' website.
- You can learn more about the Charities Governance Code by visiting the Charity Regulators website.