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Sodium Valproate Inquiry Update

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Sodium Valproate medication

Epilepsy Ireland and OACS Ireland met with Department of Health officials yesterday to discuss the establishment of the long-awaited Sodium Valproate inquiry.

There was an open and honest discussion about the delays in establishing the inquiry to date and OACS Ireland conveyed the frustration families are feeling as a result.

Further meetings have now been scheduled over the coming weeks. After these meetings, we hope to be able to provide our support for the proposed Terms of Reference and have this long-awaited inquiry established as soon as possible.

Further updates on this most important matter will be shared on our website and social media channels as soon as they become available.

Further information

Further information on Sodium Valproate can be found in the 'Valproate' section of our website. If you are hearing about Sodium Valproate for the first time, see our section on why an inquiry was announced in November 2020. Finally, if you believe you may have been impacted by Sodium Valproate, please reach out to our colleagues in OACS Ireland. 

**Women and girls should not stop taking valproate without first discussing it with their doctor. **