Registration is now full for this event. Please email our YRO Agnieska on apolak@epilepsy.ie to be added to the waiting list or if you have any questions about this event. You can read more about our Siblings Group below!
At Epilepsy Ireland, we always note how epilepsy is a condition that can affect the entire family unit.
Where parents/guardians are caring for and supporting a child with epilepsy - particularly where the condition is complex - there can be a knock-on impact for that child's siblings. Due to the challenges that epilepsy can bring, siblings can sometimes feel isolated or feel worried about their loved one's condition. This is why we offer this group specifically for young siblings of children with epilepsy.
The group allows children of siblings with epilepsy to participate in online fun, games, and discussion – with other children who also have a sibling with epilepsy. Through this, they will not only have fun but also have an opportunity to discuss concerns they might have about their sibling’s long-term health condition – alongside other children in a similar situation to them. This can help a child feel less isolated and concerned about their sibling's epilepsy, and also help to increase their understanding of epilepsy as a whole.
The event will be led by our Youth Resource Officer, Agnieszka alongside one of our Community Resource Officer team. If you have any questions about this group, you can contact Agnieszka at apolak@epilepsy.ie. Otherwise, please see details below on how to register for this event.
We look forward to meeting siblings of children with epilepsy on the night.
This event is for siblings of children with epilepsy aged from 8 - 12.
This event will take place on Tuesday February 11th from 19:00 - 20:00.
Online, via Zoom!
Registration is now full for this event. Please email our YRO Agnieska on apolak@epilepsy.ie to be added to the waiting list or if you have any questions about this event.
Please note..
If you need any information or support regarding your child's epilepsy or your family's journey with the condition, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your local Community Resource Officer. You can find their details by visiting the 'Our Local Services' section of our website.