We were delighted to recently join with our colleagues in FutureNeuro for the official launch of the Neuroadapt programme.
This €2m initiative – funded by the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) 2023 COFUND and FutureNeuro – will involve bringing 11 postdoctoral researchers from around the world to Ireland, equipping them with the specialised skills needed to advance research into neurological conditions such as epilepsy.
We were delighted when funding for this important project was confirmed – as we had outlined our support for the project as part of the application process. While we have directly invested over €1.5 million in Epilepsy research projects since 2009, we also make non-financial contributions to research and research projects.
The Neuroadapt programme will be an example of another project where we have made a non-financial commitment of support. Central to NeuroAdapt is the involvement of people living with neurological conditions. From the outset, all projects will be developed with direct input from patients, ensuring that research remains focused on real-world impact. We will be assisting with this aspect of the programme by promoting their outreach activities across Epilepsy Ireland’s communication channels including our social media, which has a large national reach to people with epilepsy and their families.
At the launch event, we were delighted to have the lived experience of epilepsy represented – with our media volunteer Emma Beamish speaking about her own journey with epilepsy and why it is so important to have the voice of patients represented. Speaking at the launch event, Emma said:
Speaking to some of the researchers involved, they are the first to admit that for decades, researchers working in the epilepsy field might never have even met someone living with epilepsy. That’s why this new approach, where the patient is at the centre, is so exciting.
The Neuroadapt programme will be lead by Dr. Tobias Engel. We would like to congratulate Dr. Engel and all the team at FutureNeuro for securing funding for this important initiative – which we hope will play a pivotal role in inspiring future generations of epilepsy researchers.
Applications for the programme will begin in Spring 2025 and we look forward to working with the Neuroadapt project in the New Year. We will provide further updates about this on our website and social media channels.
To read the full announcement on the Neuradapt programme, visit the RCSI website.
If you need any support or information on your or your loved ones journey with epilepsy, please get in touch with your local Community Resource Officer. You can find their details by visiting the 'Our Local Services' section of our website.