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Job performance - sick leave and reliability

It is natural for an employer to be concerned about the issues of reliability and sick leave if a job applicant or employee discloses he/she has epilepsy.

Sick leave:

Research has shown that, on average, people with epilepsy have fewer accidents at work than other employees, take less time off work and have good job loyalty records. A common cold or flu is likely to account for more sick leave than any time taken off due to seizures.


Epilepsy does not usually force the employer to take extra safety precautions in the work place. People with epilepsy usually do not have seizures at work. They are generally very careful about their own well-being and are no more prone to accidents than anyone else. Research indicates that workers who have epilepsy are, in fact, more aware of potential hazards and so are less likely to have an accident at work.


People with epilepsy, being aware of employer's concerns over productivity, are often keen to prove themselves to be productive, reliable and valuable employees. The difficulty for them is securing the job in the first place. If an employee has a seizure at work, they usually only need a short rest, after which they can resume work as normal. However, people rarely have seizures at work.