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#EpilepsyDay 2024 - Rebecca's message!

Rebecca and the key message of Time, Safe, Stay

For #EpilepsyDay 2024, we were sent this video by Rebecca from Co. Longford.

Rebecca was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was five years old, and her epilepsy has been classed as refractory – meaning it is very difficult to control. Despite the difficult nature of her condition, we’re told how she is an inspiration to her family, friends and local community. Rebecca certainly doesn’t let epilepsy hold her back and sings in her local choir, volunteers at her local GAA club and we are told she is a dab hand at making loom band jewellery!

Rebecca attends St Mel’s National School in Ardagh, Co. Longford and is in 6th Class. Her school are also joining in with Rebecca's awareness-raising efforts by holding an awareness day to share the message expertly delivered by Rebecca in her video below....

Remote video URL

Alongside her awareness-raising efforts, Rebecca has also set up a fundraiser with her sister Emma in support of Epilepsy Ireland for #EpilepsyDay.

Rebecca regularly attends our Get ChARTy offering, a virtual event which brings together children with epilepsy from across Ireland. While the kids chat and do art, our facilitators help the children better understand themselves and help them better understand that their epilepsy is not a barrier to doing all the things they want to do in life. You can learn more about this by visiting the 'Events' section of our website. 

Meanwhile, Rebecca's younger sister Emma, also regularly attends our online creative workshop for siblings of children with epilepsy. Where parents/guardians are caring for and supporting a child with epilepsy - particularly where the condition is complex - there can be a knock-on impact for that child's young siblings. Due to the challenges that epilepsy can bring, siblings can sometimes feel isolated or feel worried about their loved one's condition. This is why we offer these workshops specifically for young siblings of children with epilepsy. Again, you can read more about this by visiting the 'Events' section of our website. 

If you want to donate to their fundraiser, you can do so by visiting Facebook on the button below. 

Donate now on Facebook!

We wanted to say a huge thank you to both Rebecca and Emma - you should be very proud of yourselves for your awareness and fundraising efforts. To follow Rebecca's advice and to learn more about Time, Safe, Stay, visit the 'Seizure First Aid' section of our website.

** In the lead up to #EpilepsyDay, Rebecca was also the subject of a fantastic feature in the Irish Times. You can read this in full by visiting the Irish Times website. **

Remote video URL