Registration is now full for this event. Please email our YRO Agnieska on apolak@epilepsy.ie to be added to the waiting list or if you have any questions about this event. You can read more about Get ChARTy below!
It can be hard for young people/children with epilepsy to sometimes meet with others living with the condition. That is why we offer Get ChARTy!
This online group allows 8-12 year old's living with epilepsy to meet with others to have a chat - and do some art at the same time (can you see how we developed the title for this event!).
Get ChARTy is facilitated by Nichola Mooney alongside our Youth Resource Officer (YRO), Agnieska Polak. Nichola is an executive council member of the Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists. Throughout her career, Nichola has used embodiment, projection, role (EPR) and play within the therapeutic process to help support children living with long-term health conditions and in other difficult situations. While those in attendance will be getting to know each other while getting creative, Nichola will be using these techniques to help them better understand themselves and help them better understand that their epilepsy is not a barrier to doing all the things they want to do in life. Agnieska will be on hand at the event to offer information and support around epilepsy to the young people in attendance. To register, see details below and if you have any questions, Agnieska's details are also included below.
We look forward to welcoming young people with epilepsy on the night!
This group is for children/young people living with epilepsy aged from 8 - 12.
The dates for the remainder of the Get ChARTy group meetings for the first half of 2025 are as follows:
- Mar 19th
- April 16th
- May 14th
- June 18th
The groups all fall on a Wednesday and run from 19:00 - 20:00
Online, via Zoom!
Registration is now full for this event. Please email our YRO Agnieska on apolak@epilepsy.ie to be added to the waiting list or if you have any questions about this event.
Please note..
If you need any information or support regarding your child's epilepsy, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your local Community Resource Officer. You can find their details by visiting the 'Our Local Services' section of our website.